
Market tents lined up in a row

Winkler celebrates Canada Day on July 1st with a free family event at the Parkland Hill.

Every Wednesday in July and August, the Bethel Heritage Park hosts Concerts in the Park at 7:00 Pm.

The Winkler Harvest Festival is held the second weekend in August.

Free admission, Free entertainment, and more!

The Winkler Farmer’s Market takes place every Tuesday from 4-6pm at 650 Park Street beginning June 30th.

Large group of people sitting under a gazebo

Regional Connections Immigrant Services introduces newcomers to life in Canada.

Culture Fest celebrates the vast multi-cultural diversity in Winkler and is held on July 1st in collaboration with Winkler’s Canada Day Celebrations.

All Seasons

Entrance of a concert hall with yellow and red flowers
Image of the turf at the Meridian Exhibition Centre in Winkler, MB

The P.W. Enns Centennial Concert Hall is home to concerts and theatrical productions all year round.

The Meridian Exhibition Centre is host to a variety of events, exhibitions, and programs.


Christmas lights formed to look like carolers

The Bethel Heritage Park is decorated with lights each winter. The first lighting is celebrated with a Tree Lighting Ceremony and outdoor activities late November or early December.

People serving hot chocolate in front of a cabin

A leisurely ride through Christmas Glow in the Country is a great way to spend quality time with your family or friends and celebrate the season! Travel the 2 kilometre route at the Winkler Bible Camp in the comfort of your vehicle, tune your radio to the camp Christmas station and enjoy the festive light displays from December 4-10 & 14-17, 2023.

Do you have a large scale event that happens each year in Winkler?

You can submit it for review to communications@cityofwinkler.ca and it may be added to this page.